Hello! I'm Gina

I believe I have something to share with others that would change their entire lives; an experience I gained when I was nursing myself out of grief and fatigue. I was not able to cook or eat properly for an extended period of time, which gained my interest in eating fruits– however this can get pretty boring over time! 

It was then that the idea of juicing came into my mind. I was initially blending fruits into a smoothie, but later realised that I was struggling with digestion and swallowing.
I tried all the best known products at the time but they did not work. I began to research further on other available products to get the perfect balance of both vegetables and fruits for me, but there were none available so decided to start doing it myself.

A few months of practice and my friends and family began to notice the dramatic changes to my body health-wise. As a result, this got them asking questions about the variety of fresh juices I consumed daily, to the point that some even went further to ask me to make them some – perfectly balanced to suit their health needs.


Over time, I began to share my secrets with them, and it was this that propelled and inspired me to create Wellbeing & Balance.

My passion is to share my products and insight with as many people as possible, as I know it will bring a smile to their face and those of their family – as it has done for mine.

Over the past seven years, I have had the privilege to see the transformation my work has had on a particular member of our family who was terminally ill. Finding the right balance meant we could all enjoy many extra years together, and helped them to experience improved energy levels, cognitive ability and, most importantly, rediscover everything the world had to offer – I do what I do now to honour their memory.

It is my honest belief that you could experience the same benefits and see a hugely positive change in your lives. It simply comes down to finding you balance and wellbeing.

With the right ingredients, you will no longer have to ask yourself questions like “why do I sleep well but still yawn in the day?” or “why am I always tired no matter what I eat or drink?”, as well as enjoying a whole host of additional benefits.
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